Please join Insia Malik and Jim Cowdery for a free lunch at the annual SEM conference in Bloomington, Indiana, on Saturday 9 November 2019 from 12:15–1:45pm in the Federal Room. We will give insight into RILM’s strong commitment to international and multilingual scholarship, and inclusion of global non-music resources that are relevant to ethnomusicologists. We will also provide useful information on RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text, the full-text enhancement of the unrivaled music bibliography; RILM Music Encyclopedias, the continually expanding full-text repository of global musical reference works, which from 2020 will be available also on RILM’s platform; and MGG Online, the continuously updated online resource of one of the most extensive music encyclopedias currently available. To reserve lunch and a seat, please send a message to with the subject heading “SEM lunch”, and include your name and institution. RSVP is needed by Friday 1 November.
Throughout the conference Insia and Jim can also be found in the Exhibit Hall.

RILM at AMS, Boston
For the first time in AMS history, RILM and RIPM will jointly host a reception for all conference attendees. Come celebrate our long-standing collaboration in providing comprehensive indexing of scholarly music publications to musicologists. Together, by creating complementary research tools, RILM and RIPM offer access to more than 250 years of writing about music, from 1760 to the present. Come and party with us on 1 November 2019 at 6pm in Douglass. Everyone is welcome.
RILM at CMS, Louisville, KY
On Friday, 25 October, RILM will host a lunch for conference attendees of the College Music Society National Conference, Louisville. Subscription Manager Naomi Perley will introduce and demonstrate RILM’s resources, with a particular focus on Index to Printed Music, which was relaunched on EBSCO in July and includes many new features that make it easy to track down hard-to-find repertoire for all your teaching, performing, and research needs. The lunch meeting will take place at 12:15 pm, in the Churchill Downs Suite (second floor of the Hyatt Regency Louisville). There are still a few places remaining; to secure your spot, RSVP to by Tuesday, 22 October.
Throughout the conference, Naomi can also be found at the RILM booth in the Exhibit Hall. Stop by to learn more about all of RILM’s resources.
RILM Experts Forum in Taipei, Taiwan
Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie and Yun Fan will be present at the Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) Experts Forum, a one-day event held at the Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center in Taipei, Taiwan, on 25 October 2019. It is among a series of events organized by the National Center for Traditional Arts in celebration of this year’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. Barbara’s paper, titled “國際音樂文獻資源群策群力的合作夥伴/RILM and IAML: A cross-fertilizing international partnership”, covers RILM’s mission and history, its relationship to IAML, and it’s role in presenting Taiwanese music scholarship to the world. Yun’s paper, titled “台湾音乐文献在RILM全球网络中的呈现/Taiwanese music scholarship in RILM’s global network”, focuses on the presentation of Taiwanese music scholarship in the context of East Asian countries; it addresses issues of Romanization and translation, and possible impacts on an international music thesaurus. The forum aims to foster stronger connections and collaborations between RILM and music institutions in Taiwan.
RILM Music Encyclopedias: Ever More Accessible
In early 2020 RILM Music Encyclopedias (RME) will be available on RILM’s innovative platform, offering advanced, custom-designed search and browse capabilities to aid researchers in finding material relevant to their interests.
RILM Music Encyclopedias (RME) is a full-text compilation of reference works that grows annually with the addition of new titles. The collection includes over 50 titles published from 1775 to the present and comprises over 300,000 entries, offering unprecedented federated searching. This extensive global resource is designed to meet the teaching, learning, and research needs of the international music community.
RME provides comprehensive encyclopedic coverage of core disciplines and subject areas, among them pop and rock, opera, instruments, blues, gospel, recorded sound, and women composers. Its content spans multiple countries and languages—currently English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Czech, Greek, Slovak, Spanish, and Portuguese. Searches can be performed within a specific encyclopedia or across the entire collection, saving users considerable time and effort and revealing information in unexpected places.
Features will include:
• The ability to sort most works lists, bibliographies, discographies, and other lists
• A bilingual English/German interface
• Instant translation from the original language into over 100 languages through Google Translate integration
• User accounts in which annotations can be created, saved, and shared
• Links to related content in RILM Abstracts of Music Literature and other resources
• An interface compatible with mobile and tablet devices
Institutions that sign up for a free 30-day trial before 1 February 2020 will receive two complimentary months of access when they sign up for an initial 12-month subscription. For further information, please contact us at
RILM Now Offers MARC Records
You have spoken and the RILM team has listened. You can now download a MARC record for each resource we have to offer:
• RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text and RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
• RILM Music Encyclopedias
• Index to Printed Music (IPM)
• MGG Online
For RILM Music Encyclopedias, we also offer individual MARC records for each of the 54 encyclopedias currently contained therein.
To download the MARC records, please visit
EBSCO provides MARC records for the individual full-text titles in RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text; these records are available through EBSCOadmin.