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RILM at MLA, 2025
RILM will participate in the 94th Annual Meeting of the Music Library Association (MLA) held online…
RILM at Musicology and Music Librarianship in Cultural Context in Honour of Stephanie Merakos in Athens, 2025
RILM will participate in the conference Musicology and Music Librarianship in Cultural Context in Ho…
RILM at NISO Plus in Baltimore, 2025
RILM will participate in this year’s NISO Plus conference held in Baltimore, Maryland, 10–13 Feb…
New Additions to RILM Music Encyclopedias
RILM Music Encyclopedias has just added three new titles into its continuously expanding collection…
RILM at ICTMD in Wellington, 2025
RILM will participate in the 48th world conference of the International Council for Traditions of Mu…
RILM at ADUIM in Bologna, 2024
RILM will participate in the 30th annual conference of the Associazione fra i Docenti Universitari I…
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Bibliolore: The RILM Blog

1,687 posts 868,655 views
Featured image for post 'The contemplative Karnatak singer Jayashri Ramnath
The contemplative Karnatak singer Jayashri Ramnath
The Indian singer Jayashri Ramnath (better known as Bombay Jayashri) was introduced to Karnatak music in her early childhood, influenced by her parent…
Featured image for post 'Music education and citizenship in Venezuela
Music education and citizenship in Venezuela
From 2007 to 2017, El Sistema--Venezuela's national music education system--experienced a remarkable rise, followed by an equally dramatic decline. Wh…
Featured image for post 'Electroacoustic sound, multimedia, and digital opera
Electroacoustic sound, multimedia, and digital opera
Digital opera has roots in electroacoustic works that integrate spatial soundscapes into performance, such as Kaija Saariaho's L’amour de loin (2000…
Featured image for post 'RILM’s UNESCO accreditation
RILM’s UNESCO accreditation
Since its founding in the mid-1960s, the Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) has advanced a globalist perspective, fostering int…
Featured image for post 'Topics
Featured image for post 'A resource for international women composers
A resource for international women composers
International Women’s Day, celebrated worldwide on Saturday, 8 March, highlights the remarkable achievements of women and reinforces the ongoing pur…
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About Us

Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) documents and disseminates music research worldwide. Known for its flagship publication, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, a comprehensive international bibliography of writings on music covering publications from the early 19th century to the present (also available with a full-text enhancement of over 200 journals), RILM produces the annually expanding full-text repository RILM Music Encyclopedias and the Index to Printed Music. RILM maintains its own user platform, Egret, with advanced search and browse capabilities on which it hosts the comprehensive encyclopedia MGG Online, and RILM Music Encyclopedias.