RILM would like to invite you to our lunchtime presentation, “Harness the Power of RILM’s Fantastic Four: What Your Patrons Need to Know about RILM Resources in 2019”, at the Music Library Association‘s annual conference in St. Louis. The lunch, hosted by RILM and EBSCO, will be on Friday, 22 February, from 12:00 to 1:30 pm in the Park Room at the Regency Ballroom C, St. Louis Union Station.
Learn the latest about RILM’s suite of resources: RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text, RILM Music Encyclopedias, the Index to Printed Music (now under RILM’s auspices), and MGG Online. Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie and Naomi Perley will bring you up to speed on all the latest developments and expansions.
Please RSVP by 11 February to reserve lunch and a seat: Send an email to with your name, institution, and “MLA” in the subject line.
In addition to the lunch presentation, if you want to learn more about the products or share feedback, Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie and Naomi Perley will be available at MLA throughout the conference and are eager to talk with you. Feel free to drop by the RILM booth or make an appointment ahead of time by contacting
We look forward to seeing you soon!

RILM Music Encyclopedias Is Growing
In early January 2019, RILM Music Encyclopedias has added five seminal works to its collection of historical and current titles, bringing the total to 54:
- Domingo Prat. Diccionario biográfico – bibliográfico – histórico – crítico de guitarras (instrumentos afines), guitarristas (profesores – compositores – concertistas – lahudistas – amateurs), guitarreros (luthiers) – Danzas y cantos – terminología. Buenos Aires: Romero y Fernández, 1934.
- Hortense Panum. The Stringed Instruments of the Middle Ages: Their Evolution and Development. Translated and edited by Jeffrey Pulver. London: William Reeves, [1939 or 1940].
- Sibyl Marcuse. Musical Instruments: A Comprehensive Dictionary. New York: Doubleday, 1964.
- Curt Sachs. Real-Lexikon der Musikinstrumente, zugleich ein Polyglossar für das gesamte Instrumentengebiet. New York: Dover Publications, 1964.
- Sibyl Marcuse. A Survey of Musical Instruments. New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
With the addition of these titles, RILM Music Encyclopedias augments its coverage and depth, adding titles that are specifically focused on musical instruments.
RILM Music Encyclopedias is the continuously expanding global online repository of music encyclopedias and dictionaries designed to meet the teaching, learning, and research needs of the international music community. In addition to quarterly updates and revisions, including additions to Komponisten der Gegenwart, the repository broadens its coverage annually. For more information, visit
If you do not already subscribe to RILM Music Encyclopedias via EBSCOhost®, request a trial and email your EBSCO Sales Representative at