RILM Music Encyclopedias
The ever-expanding full-text compilation of reference works that facilitates unprecedented federated searches
What is RILM Music Encyclopedias?
RILM Music Encyclopedias is an ever-expanding full-text collection of reference works that provides comprehensive encyclopedic coverage of the most important fields and subject areas of historical musicology, ethnomusicology, and theory. An extensive resource, it is designed to meet the teaching, learning, and research needs of the international music communities.
Languages and Countries
In line with RILM’s global mission, the content of RILM Music Encyclopedias spans multiple countries and languages—currently English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Albanian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Greek, Portuguese, and Slovak.
Topics covered by the reference works in RILM Music Encyclopedias are wide ranging from popular music and rock, opera, instruments, blues and gospel, to performers and women composers.

Trials and Subscriptions

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Encyclopedia Titles
An excel sheet with all titles contained in RILM Music Encyclopedias can be downloaded here.