If you subscribe to RILM via the ProQuest platform, please be aware that all subscriptions must be renewed by December 31, 2014. RILM will continue to work with ProQuest throughout 2015 to maintain data for all subscribers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact RILM’s subscriptions manager at rlentjes@rilm.org.
The complete announcement regarding RILM and ProQuest may be found here:

RILM at SEM in Pittsburgh
Global Bibliography: Power Searching with RILM via EBSCO
Répertoire International de Litérature Musicale and EBSCO Information Services want to show you what’s new in RILM and on the EBSCO platform–features and materials designed to make RILM ever more useful to ethnomusicologists. Come see what RILM can do for you today!
The event will take place at 12:30 on Saturday, November 15 in the King’s Garden, Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh Downtown.
We will be providing lunch to the first 35 people who respond to this invitation. To RSVP, send an email to mailTo:conferences@rilm.org. Please provide your name, institution, and “SEM”.
RILM at AMS/SMT in Milwaukee
Musicological Research in the 21st Century: RILM’s Global Music Bibliographies
Presented by Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie, Editor-in-Chief
Répertoire International de Litérature Musicale and EBSCO Information Services want to show you what’s new in RILM and on the EBSCO platform–features and materials designed to make RILM ever more useful to musicologists. Come see what RILM can do for you today!
The event will take place during the noon hour on Saturday, November 8 in the
Wright Ballroom B in the Hilton Hotel.
We will be providing lunch to the first 35 people who respond to this invitation. To RSVP, send an email to conferences@rilm.org. Please provide your name, institution, and “AMS/SMT”.
Changes in RILM access
Beginning in January 2015, new subscriptions to RILM will only be available through EBSCO, and no longer through ProQuest. A full announcement of this transition, including options for those currently using the ProQuest platform, is available at the link below.
RILM at CMS in St. Louis
“Keeping pace with your discipline: Browsing global music knowledge with RILM”
will be presented on Friday, October 31, at 1 p.m
The Plaza
on the second level of the
Ritz Carlton Hotel, St. Louis
This will be an opportunity to learn, not only about the RILM databases on the EBSCO platform, but about some of the newest developments at RILM.
All are welcome.
RILM in Greifswald, Germany
Herzliche Einladung zur Mittagspausen-Präsentation
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature auf EBSCO
Wann: Donnerstag, 18. September 2014, 13:00–14:30 Uhr
Wo: Audimax (Rubenowstr. 1), Hörsaal 5
Einem leichten Mittagessen für die Teilnehmer folgt eine kurze Präsentation, die Neues auf der EBSCO Plattform vorstellt—Funktionen und Aktualisierungen, die RILM nützlicher als jemals zuvor für Musikwissenschaftler macht.
Für diejenigen, die nicht RSVP’d haben, wird ein Mittagessen auf einem First-Come-First-Served-Prinzip angeboten.
RILM on EBSCO at the RMA in Leeds
Everyone is welcome!
Thursday, September 4 at 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
We will be giving a presentation to show you what’s new on the EBSCO platform –
features designed to make RILM more useful than ever to music scholars.
Updates to the RILM bibliography on the EBSCO platform will be showcased.
RILM to partner to publish MGG Online
In 2014 Bärenreiter and J. B. Metzler, the publishers of Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG), entered a long-term partnership with RILM. MGG Online will include the content of the 1994–2008 print edition of MGG as well as future updates, revisions, and additions.
Regular updates will guarantee that MGG remains musicology’s foremost reference work. All entries from this widely consulted and cited encyclopedia will be accessible to users through the new online database beginning in 2017.
Bärenreiter and J. B. Metzler will remain responsible for MGG’s content and will ensure that MGG Online continues to offer up-to-date and authoritative articles. RILM will bring its expertise to bear on the design of the online database and the creation of a user-friendly platform that will be fully equipped with the most advanced search and browse capabilities.
With its broad international experience, RILM will also be responsible for the worldwide marketing of MGG Online. Subscription details for libraries and other users will be issued soon.
Job announcement: Associate Editor (Spanish)
General Description:Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) seeks to fill an Associate Editor position. RILM publishes RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, which is widely recognized as the world’s premier abstracted bibliography on music and related disciplines. RILM was established in 1966 and operates under the joint sponsorship of the International Musicological Society, the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres, and the International Council for Traditional Music.RILM covers research on all types of music and related studies published in all document types (books, articles, reviews, collections, etc.). RILM is fully searchable with in-depth vocabulary-controlled indexing and detailed abstracts. The data are written, input, and edited to a uniform standard by an international staff of specialists from all subject areas. The database contains over 40 years of data, and is published online and (for certain material) in print.The successful candidate will be required to learn and apply RILM’s editorial rules, as detailed in RILM’s editing and indexing style manuals, improving the prose, punctuation, and factual content, through research, of the material.Other Duties:Edit, index, translate, and sometimes write abstracts of scholarly literature on music received from diverse sources and of varied quality and intelligibility, bringing them to a high standard of accuracy, focusing on Spanish material.A work schedule of 20 hours per week is envisioned for training (full-time hours are 35 per week). After a lengthy training period, schedule can be flexible.Core Competencies/Qualifications:• PhD/ABD in historical musicology, ethnomusicology, or music theory is preferred.• Experience in editing and the ability to organize data into logical concepts is required, with proven research and writing skills.• Superior written English skills and excellence in focused, detailed work is required.• Native or near native fluency in Spanish.• Ability to work independently but also with many diverse personalities in close proximity is essential.• The work takes place in the RILM International Center’s office in New York City.Follow this link to apply: https://www.rfcuny.org/hr/pvn/cgi-bin/show_job.asp?pvn=REA-1722
Position announcement: Internship
Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) is offering unpaid intern positions for writing English-language abstracts for publications in a variety of languages. These interns will share a unique opportunity to enrich their familiarity with cutting-edge research technology and developments in musicology and related disciplines.
RILM publishes RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, which is widely recognized as the world’s premier abstracted bibliography on music and related disciplines. RILM was established in 1966 and operates under the joint sponsorship of the International Musicological Society, the International
Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres, and the International Council for Traditional Music.
RILM covers research on all types of music and related studies published in all document types (books, articles, reviews, collections, etc.). RILM is fully
searchable with in-depth vocabulary-controlled indexing and detailed abstracts. The data are written, input, and edited to a uniform standard by an international staff of specialists from all subject areas. The database contains over 40 years of data, and is published online and (for certain material)in print.
Interns will learn RILM’s editorial style and apply it to writing English abstracts for unabstracted publications, many of which are not in English. RILM
will provide materials to interns living in New York City; those unable to visit our office must be affiliated with a library that provides access to the
necessary materials, either through its collection or through Interlibrary Loan.
Those interested should send a brief cover letter and C.V., highlighting language expertise, to James Melo, Senior Editor ( jmelo@rilm.org).