Georg Burgstaller
Product Coordinator (MGG Online), Editor
RILM International Center
365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3108
New York, NY 10016-4309
phone: 1 212 817 8601
email: gburgstaller@rilm.org
Georg Burgstaller is the Product Development Coordinator for MGG Online, overseeing improvements to the way in which its content is displayed and the website’s overall functionality. As Editor he predominantly works on German-language publications on all areas of music.
Burgstaller received his PhD from the University of Southampton and holds degrees from Newcastle University and the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. Embedded in the Schenker Documents Online international research project, his doctoral dissertation explored socio-cultural aspects of German music journalism during the fin-de-siècle and World War I. His research has been published in Music Analysis and the Journal of Music Criticism. Supported by the AMS’s Janet Levy Award, in 2017 he embarked on a research project on the reception of Benjamin Britten’s opera Peter Grimes in postwar Austria. In 2018–2019 he was Research Associate at Queens College, The City University of New York, working on the correspondence of German-Austrian Jewish composer Karol Rathaus. Prior to joining RILM in 2016, Georg worked as a freelance double bass player for a range of UK and international orchestras.