MGG Online
The preeminent digital encyclopedia for music researchers worldwide
What is MGG Online?
MGG Online builds on the second edition of Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG, 1994–2008), offering new and substantially updated content as well as continuous updates, revisions, and additions. MGG Online is being developed by Bärenreiter and J. B. Metzler in partnership with RILM.
MGG Online‘s content covers a wide array of topics not only in all areas of music, but also in related fields, such as literature, philosophy, and the visual arts. An openly accessible article reflecting the content and all functionalities of MGG Online can be sampled by navigating to the regularly updated Free Article featured on the MGG Online homepage.

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The title is its mission: to represent Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart in an encyclopedic undertaking—an exhaustive scholarly project straddling ages and continents, carried by internationally renowned experts. More than 3,500 authors had written more than 19,000 articles covering almost every aspect of music and its history for the roughly 25,000 pages of the second print edition of MGG.