RILM will host a focus group with free lunch at the 65th National Conference of The College Music Society (CMS) in Long Beach, California, 21–24 September 2022.
On Thursday, 22 September, at 12:00pm PST/3:00pm EDT, RILM staff member Elizabeth Martin-Ruiz will lead the group through an interactive session to discuss research practices using RILM’s resources: RILM Abstracts with Full Text, RILM Music Encyclopedias, MGG Online, and the Index to Printed Music. Conference themes, including topics on diverse content and digital teaching, integrating non-canonic works & composers, accessible content, and building bibliographies will drive the session. The focus group is appropriate for performers, educators, and researchers alike.
Throughout the conference, Elizabeth can also be found at the RILM booth in the Exhibit Hall. Stop by to learn more about all of RILM’s resources.