In early November 2020, RILM inaugurated its social-media presence on WeChat, with a channel/public account that offers Mandarin-speakers information about the diverse resources and content contained in RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (and its full-text enhancement), RILM Music Encyclopedias, MGG Online, and the Index to Printed Music. WeChat users can use this link to follow account activities, receive news, or leave comments. With the foray into this forum, RILM hopes that Chinese music researchers will find valuable information relevant to their activities.

Support from RILM for the New Academic Year
Dear music-research community,
As you are getting ready for the upcoming academic year, RILM offers the following support:
- Schedule a live online bibliography class on a topic of your choice for your seminar, taught by one of RILM’s staff members. To put in a request, contact
- Take part in our office hour. Each week, a RILM staff member will be available to help with questions on how to utilize our resources for music research and bibliography. Visit our Facebook page and join the group “Bibliography Buffs” to get access to the room. Start date: 19 August.
- Sign up for the YouTube channel “RILM Resources” for introductory videos and tutorials about our products.
- Download the teaching guide PowerPoint with information and recommended searches.
No matter what your topic is, we offer hands-on searches, live Q&As and tutorials, and video and PowerPoint information on our virtual reference shelf, RILM Music Encyclopedias, MGG Online, RILM Abstracts, and the Index to Printed Music. We help you to prepare for your class, to lay the groundwork for your paper, and to find answers to difficult research questions. And we are happy to add additional videos to our channel upon receiving suggestions.
Wishing you a great semester!
New Additions to RILM Abstracts with Full Text
RILM Abstracts with Full Text has just add ten more titles to its full-text journal collection. These titles are:
Arietta: Journal of the Beethoven Piano Society of Europe. London: Beethoven Piano Society of Europe, 1999–. ISSN 1465-9387
Arietta, the annual journal of the Beethoven Piano Society of Europe, consists of articles, reviews, and society news.
Bulletin of the International Kodály Society. Budapest: International Kodály Society, 1976–. ISSN 0133-8749
In addition to news about members, the Bulletin of the International Kodály Society provides reports and papers from Kodály symposia around the world; scholarship on the history of the Kodály movement; performance analysis of choral works by Kodály and others; writings by Kodály himself; and reviews of books and recordings.
Early keyboard journal. Historical Keyboard Society of North America, 1982–. ISSN 0899-8132
Early keyboard journal, the annual journal of the Historical Keyboard Society of North America, features scholarly and peer-reviewed articles on early keyboard instruments, including organs, harpsichords, clavichords, and early pianos, as well as reviews of new books, editions, and CDs.
Early music America. Pittsburgh: Early Music America, 1988–. ISSN 1083-3633
The intended readership of Early music America is anyone with an interest in the early music movement in North America, including performers, scholars, instrument makers, patrons, amateurs, or presenters. It documents the strong communal element of the early music movement with news items and interviews, and highlights issues in historical performance, as well as professional development.
Hudba, integrácie, interpretácie. Nitra: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa – Pedagogická Fakulta, 1994–. ISSN 1338-4872
First launched in 1994 as Hudobno-pedagogické interpretácie and published annually since 2006 as Hudba, integrácie, interpretácie, the journal publishes writings that illuminate new paradigms in pedagogical thinking and music education, transformations in music communication, and the aesthetics and philosophy of music.
Lietuvos muzikologija/Lithuanian musicology. Vilnius: Lietuvos Muzikos Akademija, 2000–. ISSN 1392-9313
Lithuanian musicology is the country’s premier musicological journal. Published annually since 2000 by the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, the journal covers the history of art music in Lithuania and related developments in neighboring countries. Topics include the history of art music, religious music, music and mathematics, aesthetics, and Lithuanian traditional music.
Musicologist: International journal of music studies. Trabzon: Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi – Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvarı, 2017–. eISSN 2618-5652
Published biannually in June and December, Musicologist is an international refereed journal, presenting original scholarship in historical musicology, music theory, and ethnomusicology. Each issue includes multidisciplinary studies related to musicology. In addition to original research papers, the journal includes reviews, publicity, field notes, ethnographic writings, and translations.
Rahvusvahelise Eduard Tubina Ühingu Aastaraamat/Yearbook of the International Eduard Tubin Society. Tallinn: Rahvusvaheline Eduard Tubina Ühing/International Eduard Tubin Society, 2001–2009. ISSN 1406-7099
The Yearbook of International Eduard Tubin Society was published annually from 2001 through 2009. The contents focus on the life, works, and reception of the Estonian composer, who spent much of his life in exile in Sweden. Also included are interviews and correspondence with and by Tubin, his wife and son, and performers and conductors connected to the composer.
Revista de musicología. Madrid: Sociedad Española de Musicología, 1978–. ISSN 0210-1459
Revista de musicología, founded in 1978 by Samuel Rubio, is the official journal of the Sociedad Española de Musicología. Published twice a year, the journal is primarily devoted to studies on Spanish music and its ramifications and influence, but the spectrum of its coverage is often expanded through special issues and topics that have universal significance. Every issue of the journal includes substantial reports, reviews, and summaries of scholarly works such as doctoral dissertations, critical editions of music, and comprehensive recordings of a curated repertoire.
Teoria muzyki: Studia, interpretacje, dokumentacje. Kraków: Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, 2012–. ISSN 2299-8454
The peer-reviewed annual journal Teoria muzyki was launched in 2012 at the Academy of Music in Cracow as a platform for scholarly dialogue among music theorists, musicologists, composers, and performers. The journal publishes articles on contemporary and historical music, performance practice, music aesthetics, and music theory. Several issues of the journal were dedicated to Mieczysław Tomaszewski, a renowned scholar of Chopin’s music.
To learn more about the extensive list of journal titles in full text, please visit RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text.
RILM Music Encyclopedias Announces the Addition of Three Titles
RILM Music Encyclopedias Announces the Addition of Three Titles
On 1 January 2021, RILM Music Encyclopedias will add three seminal works to its collection of historical and current titles:
Richard Carlin. Country music: A biographical dictionary. New York: Routledge, 2013. xvii, 497 p.
Gabriel Pareyón. Diccionario enciclopédico de música en México. 2 vols. Zapopan: Universidad Panamericana, 2006–2007. 2 vols., 1133p.
Jaimie Vernon. Canadian pop music encyclopedia. Scarborough, ON: Bullseye Canada, 2020. 2 vols. 429, 457 p.
With the addition of these titles, RILM Music Encyclopedias augments its coverage and depth, adding titles centered around North America as subject.
RILM Music Encyclopedias can be accessed via EBSCOhost and, as of recently, on RILM’s platform Egret at
For further information, please email
Coming Soon! New Additions to RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text
This summer, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text will add ten more titles to its full-text journal collection. The new titles are:
– Arietta: Journal of the Beethoven Piano Society of Europe. London: Beethoven Piano Society of Europe, 1999–. ISSN 1465-9387
– Bulletin of the International Kodály Society. Budapest: International Kodály Society, 1976–. ISSN 0133-8749
– Early keyboard journal. Historical Keyboard Society of North America, 1982–. ISSN 0899-8132
– Early music America. Pittsburgh: Early Music America, 1988–. ISSN 1083-3633
– Hudba, integrácie, interpretácie. Nitra: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa – Pedagogická Fakulta, 1994–. ISSN 1338-4872
– Lietuvos muzikologija/Lithuanian musicology. Vilnius: Lietuvos Muzikos Akademija, 2000–. ISSN 1392-9313
– Musicologist: International journal of music studies. Trabzon: Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi – Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvarı, 2017–. eISSN 2618-5652
– Rahvusvahelise Eduard Tubina Ühingu Aastaraamat/Yearbook of the International Eduard Tubin Society. Tallinn: Rahvusvaheline Eduard Tubina Ühing/International Eduard Tubin Society, 2001–2009. ISSN 1406-7099
– Revista de musicología. Madrid: Sociedad Española de Musicología, 1978–. ISSN 0210-1459
– Teoria muzyki: Studia, interpretacje, dokumentacje. Kraków: Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, 2012–. ISSN 2299-8454
If you do not already subscribe to RILM Abstracts with Full Text, get in touch with your EBSCO Sales Representative or email
Access to RILM’s Full-Text Resources
As the impact from COVID-19 grows daily, affecting libraries, teachers, students, and other music researchers, RILM is offering temporary access for non-subscribing institutions to the following full-text resources until 31 May 2020:
RILM Music Encyclopedias – a virtual reference shelf of 57 encyclopedias
MGG Online – the digital music encyclopedia
To receive institutional access to RILM Music Encyclopedias and MGG Online on Egret, the RILM platform, please email This offer is for institutions. Individuals interested in these resources are encouraged to get in touch with their nearest library, which can register for this offer. All RILM resources are available for unlimited use by authorized users and can be accessed remotely.
For institutions interested in a free trial to RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text, please direct any inquiries to your EBSCO account executive or visit
As more and more institutions are moving classes online, we would like to remind our community of RILM’s free web-based tutorials, available by appointment, as well as teaching tools for all of our resources. Please visit to explore our offerings.
Just Released: RILM Music Encyclopedias
Monday, 2 March 2020
RILM Music Encyclopedias is now available on RILM’s innovative platform, Egret, offering advanced, custom-designed search and browse capabilities to aid music researchers in finding material relevant to their interests.
This full-text compilation of music reference works grows annually with the addition of new titles. The collection currently includes 57 titles published from 1775 to the present and comprises over 330,000 entries, offering unprecedented federated searching. This extensive global resource is designed to meet the teaching, learning, and research needs of the international music community.
Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie, Executive Director and President of Répertoire International de Littérature Musical states:
“RILM Music Encyclopedias aligns with RILM’s commitment to providing invaluable and intuitive resources for music researchers. The platform it resides on, Egret, realizes the potential of what a virtual reference shelf can be, complete with tools for interacting with the data in powerful ways, from data sorting options to built-in annotation and citation tools”.
RILM Music Encyclopedias provides comprehensive encyclopedic coverage of fields and subject areas in musicology, ethnomusicology, and music theory, among them pop and rock, opera, instruments, blues, gospel, recorded sound, and women composers. Its content spans multiple countries and languages—currently English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Czech, Greek, Portuguese, Slovak, and Spanish. Searches can be performed within a specific encyclopedia or across the entire collection, saving users considerable time and effort and revealing information in unexpected places.
Features currently include:
* Elegant and intuitive article display with a wide array of article navigation tools
* Instant translations from the original language into over 100 languages through an integrated Google Translate feature
* Sortability of most works lists, bibliographies, discographies, and other lists
* User accounts in which annotations can be created, saved, and shared
* Links to related content in RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, MGG Online, and other resources
RILM Music Encyclopedias is available at
To sign up for a free trial and for institutional subscriptions, please contact Naomi Perley at
For further information, please contact us at
RILM at MLA in Norfolk, Virginia
RILM would like to invite you to our lunchtime presentation, “Music Research, Powered by RILM”, at the Music Library Association‘s annual conference in Norfolk, VA. The lunch, hosted by RILM and EBSCO, will be on Friday, 28 February, from 12:00pm to 2:00pm in the Momentum Room at Hilton Norfolk The Main.
Elizabeth Martin-Ruiz, Jadranka Važanová, and Naomi Perley will update you about RILM’s latest innovations, including our new platform for RILM Music Encyclopedias, the recently-relaunched Index to Printed Music, and the dynamic new features of MGG Online and RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text.
RSVP by 21 February to reserve lunch and a seat: Send an email to with your name, institution, and “MLA 2020” in the subject line.
In addition to the lunch presentation, if you want to learn more about the products or share feedback, Elizabeth, Jadranka, and Naomi will be available at MLA throughout the conference and are eager to talk with you. Feel free to drop by the RILM booth or make an appointment ahead of time by contacting
We look forward to seeing you soon!