Content Acquisitions Director Tina Frühauf will be present at the EBSCO Information Services symposium, titled “2017 Open Day,” on 8 June 2017 at Les Salons Hoche in Paris. The Open Day brings together librarians from various academic and corporate institutions to gain a better knowledge of EBSCO’s online resources such as the RILM suite of music resources. Dr. Frühauf will present these resources with focus on the newest releases, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text (RAFT) and RILM Music Encyclopedias (RME) . For more information, please contact Tina Frühauf at

Position announcement: Internships
Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) is offering unpaid intern positions for writing English-language abstracts for publications in different languages and for assisting with day-to-day tasks in RILM’s International Office in New York. These interns will share a unique opportunity to enrich their familiarity with cutting-edge research technology and developments in musicology and related disciplines.
Interns will learn RILM’s editorial style and apply it to writing English abstracts, many of which are not in English. Those unable to visit our office and prefer long-distance internships must be affiliated with a library that provides access to the necessary materials, either through its collection or through Interlibrary Loan. Depending on background and interest resident interns will assist with the various technical tasks that pertain to RILM’s newest resources RILM Music Encyclopedias (RME) and RILM abstracts of music literature with full text.
Those interested in resident or long-distance internships should send a brief cover letter and C.V., highlighting language expertise, technology expertise, and areas of interest to Tina Frühauf (