“RILM in 2016”, our annual summary of activities and progress, is now available. To view it, go to reports and select “2016” from the drop-down menu.

RILM and the IAML 2016 Congress in Rome
Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) will be an active participant at this year’s meeting of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML) in Rome, 3-8 July 2016.
Besides the role of Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie, RILM’s Editor-in-Chief, who is also the current president of IAML, other RILM senior personnel will be chairing sessions, giving papers, and exhibiting.
Mackenzie will present an update of the latest happenings with RILM and its products at the RILM open session on Thursday, 7 July at 2 p.m.
Zdravko Blažekovi?, RILM’s Executive Editor, will chair the RILM open session on Thursday, 7 July at 2 p.m., and the RILM Business meeting for National Committee?s on Friday at 11:00 a.m.?
Also at the RILM open session Thursday, Tina Frühauf, RILM’s Content Acquisitions Director, will present “RILM Music Encyclopedias in the Age of Meta?Encyclopedias”; and Jason Lee Oakes, RILM’s Popular Music Editor, will present “Popular Music in RILM: Notes on Deconstructing the Database”.
There will be a reception honoring RILM National Committee members and other committee members and contributors on Wednesday evening.
The RILM exhibit will be attended by Tina Frühauf and Jason Oakes. Please stop by with any questions you might have about the new RILM products.
Click here for the conference program.
Click here for the conference website.