The comprehensive and authoritative German-language music encyclopedia, Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG), is now available as a dynamic online database under the title MGG Online. Its Editor-in-Chief, the renowned musicologist Laurenz Lütteken (Zurich), is collaborating with an editorial board of internationally respected musicologists, the MGG editorial department, and authors around the world to update and add new content on a continual basis. MGG Online has been created, financed, and implemented by the publishers Bärenreiter (Kassel), J.B. Metzler (Stuttgart), and Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM, New York).
MGG Online contains the complete content of the second edition of MGG, published in 29 printed volumes between 1994 and 2008 under Editor-in-Chief Ludwig Finscher. It consists of more than 18,000 articles written by 3500 authors from 55 countries. Biographical articles cover more than 16,000 composers, singers and instrumentalists, and theorists. Many articles are about non-Western composers, performers, and writers, figures from jazz and popular music, philosophers and literary figures, as well as instrument makers, publishers, musicologists, writers, librettists, and visual artists. More than 1500 subject articles cover music aesthetics and theory, epochs and genres, church music and pop music, instruments and manuscripts as well as cities and countries. Comprehensive articles on institutions (including music libraries), music iconographical subjects, and music as it relates to history, art, literature, philosophy, law, the natural sciences, and more are included.
MGG Online contains all of this content in a continuously updated and expanding database in which the data is revised, new information is added, and articles are rewritten. Beginning in 2017, new entries will be added regularly. All article versions remain permanently accessible and clearly labeled. Upon launch, users will find some 200 articles already updated or rewritten.
“The authoritative standards of scholarship and editorial practice for which the print edition was renowned remain hallmarks of the new online version,” writes Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Laurenz Lütteken.
MGG Online resides on a powerful new platform developed by RILM, further enhancing the content through cutting-edge search and browse functions. MGG‘s widely reputed and comprehensive work lists, for example, can now be sorted by the user according to several criteria. Other features include easy toggling between article versions; individual user accounts in which bookmarks and annotations can be created, saved, and shared; integrated translation from German to more than 100 languages; and links to the comprehensive RILM Abstracts of Music Literature. The platform will be continually enhanced with new features and search possibilities.
“The platform of MGG Online aims to realize the potential of what a 21st-century music encyclopedia can be,” writes RILM President Dr. Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie.
MGG Online is available to subscribers from November 7, 2016, at
Bärenreiter Verlag, Kassel, Basel, London, New York, Praha: Bärenreiter, founded in 1923, is known worldwide among musicologists, performers, and composers as a publisher of critical music editions (especially of composers’ complete editions), of MGG, and of a comprehensive music book program, including many scholarly series. Titles in music pedagogy play an essential role as well, such as the internationally popular Sassmannshaus string tutor. Bärenreiter’s catalogue includes more than 7000 titles. The headquarters in Kassel, including its music distribution service and subsidiaries, comprise approximately 150 employees. Bärenreiter is a family-run business.
Verlag J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, founded in 1682, is one of the most important German publishers in the humanities. It publishes in the areas of literature and linguistics, philosophy, history, antiquity, music, and media. Dictionaries and encyclopedias, histories of literature, handbooks, as well as editions and student introductions characterize its publishing profile. Recently, partly through international cooperation, the renowned multi-volume reference works Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (3rd edition), Der Neue Pauly: Enzyklopädie der Antike, and the Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit have been published as online databases.
Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM), New York: RILM facilitates and disseminates music research worldwide. It is committed to the comprehensive and accurate representation of music scholarship in all countries and languages, and across all disciplinary and cultural boundaries. RILM’s flagship publication, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, is an international bibliography of writings on music covering publications from the early 19th century to the present. RILM Music Encyclopedias, a full-text repository of seminal music encyclopedias, was launched in December 2015. RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text, an enhancement of the flagship publication that includes over 200 journals in full text, was launched in July 2016. RILM is a joint project of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML); International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM); and the International Musicological Society (IMS).

„MGG Online“ – Dynamische Datenbank der Musik-Enzyklopädie „Die Geschichte in Musik und Gegenwart” ab jetzt verfügbar
Die umfangreiche und maßgebende deutschsprachige Musik-Enzyklopädie „Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart“ (MGG) ist nun als dynamische Online-Datenbank unter dem Titel „MGG Online“ verfügbar. Ihr Herausgeber, der angesehene Musikwissenschaftler Laurenz Lütteken (Zürich), arbeitet mit einem international besetzten Beirat ebenso profilierter Musikwissenschaftler, der MGG-Redaktion sowie Autoren aus der ganzen Welt zusammen, um kontinuierlich Inhalte zu aktualisieren und hinzuzufügen. „MGG Online“ wurde von den Verlagen Bärenreiter (Kassel), J.B. Metzler (Stuttgart) und Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM, New York) gegründet, finanziert und umgesetzt.
„MGG Online“ enthält den vollständigen Inhalt der zweiten Ausgabe der MGG, herausgegeben in 29 Bänden zwischen 1994 und 2008 von Ludwig Finscher. Diese Druckausgabe besteht aus mehr als 18.000 Artikeln, verfasst von 3.500 Autoren aus 55 Ländern. Mehr als 16.000 biographische Artikel befassen sich mit Komponisten, Sängern, Instrumentalisten und Theoretikern. Viele Artikel behandeln nicht-westliche Komponisten, Musiker und Schriftsteller, darunter viele Persönlichkeiten aus Jazz und populärer Musik, außerdem Instrumentenbauer, Verleger, Musikwissenschaftler, Schriftsteller, Librettisten und bildende Künstler. Über 1.500 Sachartikel stellen Musikästhetik und -theorie dar, Epochen und Genres, Kirchenmusik und Popmusik, Instrumente und Manuskripte sowie Städte und Länder. Weitere Beiträge umfassen Institutionen (einschließlich Musikbibliotheken), musik-ikonographische Themen und Musik in Bezug auf Geschichte, Kunst, Literatur, Philosophie, Recht, Naturwissenschaften und vieles mehr.
„MGG Online“ enthält alle diese Inhalte in einer ständig aktualisierten und wachsenden Datenbank mit überarbeiteten Daten, neuen Informationen und revidierten Artikeln. Ab 2017 werden regelmäßig neue Einträge hinzugefügt. Alle Artikel-Versionen bleiben dauerhaft zugänglich und als solche gekennzeichnet. Bereits zu Beginn werden die Benutzer etwa 200 aktualisierte oder neugeschriebene Artikel finden.
„Die hohen, international Maßstäbe setzenden wissenschaftlichen Standards der Druckausgabe sind dabei auch für die Online-Version verpflichtend“, schreibt der Herausgeber Laurenz Lütteken.
„MGG Online“ nutzt eine leistungsstarke, von RILM neu entwickelte Plattform, die den Inhalt anhand hochmoderner Such- und Browser-Funktionen erschließt. So können beispielsweise die ausführlichen MGG-Werklisten nach verschiedenen Kriterien sortiert werden. Weitere Funktionen ermöglichen leichtes Umschalten zwischen Artikel-Versionen, individualisierbare Benutzerkonten (in denen Lesezeichen und Anmerkungen erstellt, gespeichert und mit anderen geteilt werden können), integrierte Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen in mehr als 100 Sprachen, und Links zu den umfassenden „RILM Abstracts of Music Literature“. Die Plattform wird kontinuierlich mit neuen Funktionen und Suchmöglichkeiten erweitert werden.
„Die Plattform von „MGG Online“ zielt darauf ab, das Potenzial einer Enzyklopädie im 21. Jahrhundert zu verwirklichen“, schreibt RILM-Geschäftsführerin Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie.
„MGG Online“ ist für Abonnenten ab 7. November 2016 unter verfügbar.
Bärenreiter-Verlag, Kassel, Basel, London, New York, Praha: Bärenreiter, gegründet 1923, ist weltweit unter Musikforschern, Interpreten und Komponisten angesehen als Verlag wissenschaftlich-kritischer Notenausgaben, insbesondere von Komponisten-Gesamtausgaben, als Verlag der MGG sowie eines umfangreichen Musikbuchprogramms, darunter vielen wissenschaftlichen Reihen. Eine wesentliche Rolle spielen außerdem musikpädagogische Titel wie die international verbreiteten Saßmannshaus-Streicherschulen. Der Katalog von Bärenreiter umfasst über 7.000 Titel. Bärenreiter beschäftigt in seinem Kasseler Hauptsitz samt eigener Verlagsauslieferung und in den Tochterfirmen rund 150 Mitarbeiter. Bärenreiter ist ein familiengeführtes Unternehmen.
Verlag J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart: Der Verlag J.B. Metzler, gegründet 1682, ist einer der wichtigsten deutschen geisteswissenschaftlichen Fachverlage. Publiziert wird in den Bereichen Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft, Philosophie, Geschichte, Antike, Musik und Medien. Lexika und Enzyklopädien, Literaturgeschichten und Handbücher sowie Werkausgaben und studentische Einführungen prägen das Verlagsprofil. In jüngster Zeit sind zum Teil in internationaler Kooperation die vielbändigen renommierten Referenzwerke „Kindlers Literatur Lexikon“ (3. Auflage), „Der Neue Pauly. Enzyklopädie der Antike“ sowie die „Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit“ als Online-Datenbanken publiziert worden.
Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM), New York: RILM ist der ebenso umfassenden wie akkuraten Musikforschung in allen Ländern und Sprachen verpflichtet, über disziplinäre und kulturelle Grenzen hinweg. Die bekannteste Publikation, „RILM Abstracts of Music Literature“, ist eine internationale Bibliographie des Musikschrifttums vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. „RILM Music Encyclopedias“, eine Volltextsammlung von grundlegenden Musikenzyklopädien, erschien im Dezember 2015. „RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text“, eine Erweiterung der bekannten Bibliographie mit über 200 Volltextzeitschriften, erschien im Juli 2016. RILM wird von der Internationalen Vereinigung der Musikbibliotheken, Musikarchive und Dokumentationszentren, der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft und des Internationalen Rates für traditionelle Musik gefördert.
“MGG Goes Digital” Presentation and Reception on 4 November at AMS
On Friday, 4 November, at 5:15 pm, Bärenreiter and RILM will present “Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG) Goes Digital in 2016” in Junior Ballroom D.Presenters include MGG Online’s Editor in Chief, Laurenz Lütteken (University of Zurich), Bärenreiter’s Wendelin Göbel, Clemens Scheuch, and Ilka Sührig, and RILM’s Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie and Jonathan Greenberg, with a welcome by Ellen T. Harris (AMS President).In 2014 Bärenreiter and J.B. Metzler entered a long-term partnership with RILM to create MGG Online, accessible for the first time in November 2016. MGG Online includes the content of the second edition of MGG (1994–2008) as well as subsequent updates and newly written articles. A powerful new platform enhances the content of this incomparable and authoritative encyclopedia. Features include sortable works lists, easy toggling between article versions, links to related content in RILM Abstracts, integrated translation, and much more. Come see what a 21st-century music encyclopedia can be!RILM, Bärenreiter, and J.B. Metzler invite you to a reception in the Finback room following the presentation, starting at 6:15 pm.
You are invited to lunch in Vancouver hosted by RILM
On Friday 4 November, at noon, RILM will present “New Networks of Music Literature: RILM and Musicology in the Twenty-First Century ” on the 34th floor of the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Hotel.
RILM’s Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie (Editor-in-Chief) and Tina Frühauf (Content Acquisitions Director) will present two new resources:
RILM Music Encyclopedias (RME) is a full-text compilation of 45 seminal titles published from 1775 to the present and comprising nearly 100,000 pages. This extensive global resource is designed to meet the teaching, learning, and research needs of the international music community. RME provides comprehensive encyclopedic coverage of core discipline and subject areas, among them popular music, opera, instruments, blues, gospel, recorded sound, and women composers. Its content spans multiple countries and languages—currently English, German, French, Italian, Czech, Dutch, Greek, and Slovak. The content is cross-searchable, saving users considerable time and effort.
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text (RAFT) is a rich and comprehensive global database. RAFT provides music scholars with access to one of the most comprehensive full-text resources for music research. It expands and enhances the unrivaled bibliography of RILM Abstracts. In addition to abstracts, indexing, and metadata curated and written by RILM’s team of subject experts, RAFT offers search and browse for each full-text issue, cover to cover.
RSVP is required by Monday 24 October 2016 to reserve lunch and a seat. Please send an email to, with the subject heading “AMS/SMT Lunch”; include your name and institutional affiliation.
RILM Music Encyclopedias Announces the Addition of Four Titles
On 1 January 2017, RILM Music Encyclopedias will add four seminal works to its collection of 41 historical and current titles:
– Albert Lavignac and Lionel de La Laurencie, Encyclopédie de la musique et dictionnaire du Conservatoire (Paris: C. Delagrave, 1913–1931).
– Gracian Černušák, Bohumír Štědroň, and Zdeněk Nováček, Československý hudební slovník osob a institucí (Praha: Státní Hudební Vydavatelství, 1963/1965).
– Franz Stieger, Opernlexikon/Opera catalogue/Lexique des opéras/Dizionario operistico (Tutzing: Schneider, 1975–1983).
– Bianca Maria Antolini, Dizionario degli editori musicali italiani, 1750–1930 (Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2000)
With the addition of these titles, RILM Music Encyclopedias augments its coverage and depth, adding topics such as Italian music publishers, printers,booksellers and all aspects of Slovak and Czech musical life. It also includes one of the most monumental historic French encyclopedic undertakings and the most frequently consulted opera catalogue which also contains ballets,oratorios, and other stage works.
RILM Music Encyclopedias is the continuously expanding global online repository of music encyclopedias and dictionaries that is designed to meet the teaching, learning and research needs of the international music community. In addition to quarterly updates and revisions, including additions from Komponisten der Gegenwart, the database broadens its collection annually.
If you do not already subscribe to RILM Music Encyclopedias via EBSCOhost®, email your EBSCO Sales Representative at
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text™ Now Available from EBSCO Information Services
Extensive Full-Text Coverage of the World’s Music Literature
Music researchers can now access one of the richest and most comprehensive full-text resources of global music research with the release of RILM abstracts of music literature with full text™ from EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO). Produced by Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale, Inc. (RILM), RILM abstracts of music literature with full text enhances the unrivaled bibliography of writings on music provided by RILM abstracts of music literature™ with the addition of approximately one million pages of full-text content from more than 200 key periodicals published from the early 20th century to the present—many of which are unavailable elsewhere online.
The vast and unique global full-text content in RILM abstracts of music literature with full text (RAFT) spans 50 countries in 40 languages, providing broad coverage of music-related disciplines, fields, and subject areas, including musicology, ethnomusicology, theory, performance, and pedagogy. The cover-to-cover full text in RAFT includes articles and reviews, as well as obituaries, editorials, correspondence, advertisements and news items. This extensive collection, paired with the comprehensive bibliography of writings on music, creates an unrivaled resource.
At launch the RAFT collection includes a minimum of 62,000 records. Upon completion, targeted for the end of 2016, the collection will contain over 175,000 records. Thereafter, RAFT will be updated with the full-text content of recent issues. Complete information regarding each journal in the collection and its current coverage status can be found at RILM abstracts of music literature with full text is available via the EBSCOhost® platform and is updated monthly.
About RILM
Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) facilitates and disseminates music research worldwide. It is committed to the comprehensive and accurate representation of music scholarship in all countries and languages, and across all disciplinary and cultural boundaries. RILM’s flagship publication, RILM abstracts of music literature, is a comprehensive international bibliography of writings on music covering publications from the early 19th century to the present. RILM music encyclopedias, a full-text repository of seminal music encyclopedias, was launched in December 2015. In late 2016, in partnership with the publisher Bärenreiter and J.B. Metzler, RILM will release MGG Online, which comprises the 2nd edition of Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart along with new and substantially updated content. RILM is a joint project of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML); International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM); and the International Musicological Society (IMS). For more information, visit the RILM website at
About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the leading discovery service provider for libraries worldwide with more than 8,000 discovery customers in over 100 countries. EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) provides each institution with a comprehensive, single search box for its entire collection, offering unparalleled relevance ranking quality and extensive customization. EBSCO is also the preeminent provider of online research content for libraries, including hundreds of research databases, historical archives, point-of-care medical reference, and corporate learning tools serving millions of end users at tens of thousands of institutions. EBSCO is the leading provider of electronic journals & books for libraries, with subscription management for more than 360,000 serials, including more than 57,000 e-journals, as well as online access to more than 750,000 e-books. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at EBSCO Information Services is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc., a family owned company since 1944.
For more information, please contact:
Tina Frühauf
Content Acquisitions Director
2016 Annual Summary of RILM Activities
“RILM in 2016”, our annual summary of activities and progress, is now available. To view it, go to reports and select “2016” from the drop-down menu.
RILM and the IAML 2016 Congress in Rome
Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) will be an active participant at this year’s meeting of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML) in Rome, 3-8 July 2016.
Besides the role of Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie, RILM’s Editor-in-Chief, who is also the current president of IAML, other RILM senior personnel will be chairing sessions, giving papers, and exhibiting.
Mackenzie will present an update of the latest happenings with RILM and its products at the RILM open session on Thursday, 7 July at 2 p.m.
Zdravko Blažekovi?, RILM’s Executive Editor, will chair the RILM open session on Thursday, 7 July at 2 p.m., and the RILM Business meeting for National Committee?s on Friday at 11:00 a.m.?
Also at the RILM open session Thursday, Tina Frühauf, RILM’s Content Acquisitions Director, will present “RILM Music Encyclopedias in the Age of Meta?Encyclopedias”; and Jason Lee Oakes, RILM’s Popular Music Editor, will present “Popular Music in RILM: Notes on Deconstructing the Database”.
There will be a reception honoring RILM National Committee members and other committee members and contributors on Wednesday evening.
The RILM exhibit will be attended by Tina Frühauf and Jason Oakes. Please stop by with any questions you might have about the new RILM products.
Click here for the conference program.
Click here for the conference website.
Job announcement: Marketing Manager
Position Title: Marketing Manager
Hours: Full-time
Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) facilitates and disseminates music research worldwide. It is committed to the comprehensive and accurate representation of music scholarship in all countries and languages, and across all disciplinary and cultural boundaries. RILM’s flagship publication, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, is a comprehensive international bibliography of writings on music covering publications from the early 19th century to the present. RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text is scheduled to be launched in 2016. RILM Music Encyclopedias, a full-text repository of music encyclopedias, was launched in December 2015. In late 2016, in partnership with the publishers Bärenreiter and J.B. Metzler, RILM will release MGG Online, which comprises the 2nd edition of Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart along with new and substantially updated content. RILM is a joint project of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML); International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM); and the International Musicological Society (IMS). For further information, please visit
Overview: RILM seeks a Marketing Manager to create and execute RILM’s marketing activities across all its products, as well as to oversee sales and subscription activities, and product support.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
- Plan and execute RILM’s marketing campaigns and public relations (including website design and revisions, social media, search engine optimization, email and direct mail campaigns, exhibits, etc.).
- Oversee sales activities and subscriptions for existing and planned products and services.
- Proactively work with aggregators on customer communications and sales
- Direct RILM’s Subscription Manager activities and goals.
- Assist product managers with publisher relations.
- Develop both print and digital press releases, catalogs, fact sheets, competitive analyses, webinars, and other promotional collateral to optimize RILM’s product visibility in print and electronic forums.
- Play key role in developing training materials, FAQs, and other marketing materials about RILM products.
- Organize customer feedback and suggestions for product enhancements and improvements and communicate these ideas to appropriate teams.
- Plan and support outside product advisory teams and other market research programs, competitive intelligence efforts, and strategic initiatives.
- Oversee all logistics, plan RILM’s presence, and some travel likely to represent RILM at sales forums, possibly at academic conferences.
Peripheral Duties:
- Cross training to serve as back-up on other business development and product communications activities, including aggregator relationships, royalty quoting, reporting and analysis, and customer and content provider relations.
- Participate in and work closely with product teams.
- Create and deliver in-person and online presentations on RILM Products and Services to various audiences and arrange for them to be available on the product section of the website.
- Participate in other special projects as assigned.
Minimal Qualifications, Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
- Applicant must have direct professional experience in public-facing roles, including ability to work under pressure in deadline-driven environment.
- Bachelors degree with minimum of four years of professional experience.
- Extensive writing, proofreading, editing and promotional marketing skills (press releases, online catalogs, fact sheets, social media, advertisements, etc). Writing samples will be required and a proofreading exercise will be administered during interviews.
- Must have solid knowledge of at least one foreign language (preference: German or Spanish) and wide cultural familiarity and/or sensitivity.
- Conscientious and meticulous, with a proven ability to operate at a consistently high level producing quality, detail-oriented work.
- Academic and professional background in music scholarship and/or music librarianship, and/or experience marketing products and services to libraries and other academic institutions.
- Intermediate to advanced skills with integrated enterprise-wide content management systems and MS Office suite (Excel, Word, Outlook, Access, FrontPage, and PowerPoint).
- Highly motivated and strong customer service orientation.
- Must be able to handle multiple tasks and work independently under pressure.
Desired Qualifications:
- Advanced degree from ALA-accredited institution and/ or experience in electronic publishing preferred.
- Experience developing innovative product marketing messages for core audiences.
- Experience in defining and implementing social media and inbound marketing strategies.
- Knowledge of NetSuite or comparable CRM software.
- Knowledge of WordPress.
- Basic XHTML and CSS skills.
- Knowledge of intellectual property issues.
- Knowledge and experience in marketing products in developing countries.
Hours: Full-time, exempt. RILM’s official work week is 35 hours, but time requirements fluctuate with projects, and more than 35 hours each week is common. Some travel is likely.
Salary: Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Contact: Please send cover letter, résumé, and references to
RILM at MLA in Cincinnati
RILM would like to invite you to lunch, hosted by RILM and EBSCO, in Cincinnati at the Music Library Association’s annual conference.
On Friday, March 4th, from 12:30 to 1:30 pm, RILM will present, “Breaking Barriers for the Twenty-First Century: The New RILM Music Encyclopedias and Recent Developments at Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale” in the Rosewood Room at the Hilton Hotel, Netherlands Plaza in Cincinnati
Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie will give a brief update on RILM overall, including developments with MGG Online (the coming digital, updated version of Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart) and more. Following this, Tina Frühauf will introduce the new RILM Music Encyclopedias, a full-text compilation of 41 seminal titles published from 1775 to the present, the majority of which are not available anywhere else online. RILM Music Encyclopedias comprises nearly 80,000 pages with approximately 165,000 entries. It provides comprehensive encyclopedic coverage of the most important disciplines, fields, and subject areas, among them popular music, opera, instruments, blues, gospel, world music, recorded sound, and women composers. Its content spans multiple countries, cultures, and languages (including English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, and Greek). As the only cross-searchable collection of music encyclopedias in the world, it is designed as an extensive global resource that meets the teaching, learning, and research needs of the international music community.
All interested persons (scholars, librarians, contributors, board and committee members, etc.) are invited to this presentation. RSVP is required by Monday February 29th to reserve lunch and a seat. Please send an email to, including your name, institution, and “MLA”.
Tina will be available at MLA to discuss RILM Music Encyclopedias in person. If you cannot attend the lunch and want to learn more about the product or share feedback, feel free to make an appointment with Tina Frühauf, Tina and Barbara can also be found at the RILM booth (booth #6) in the Exhibit Hall.