Journal Representation and Coverage
Detailed information about journals in RAFT, including current coverage status, are available.
Please submit the following materials for accurate representation of your full-text journal(s) on this webpage:
- A description of approximately 100 words for each journal, similar to the following example:
19th-century music is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles on all aspects of music having to do with the long nineteenth century. The journal is open to studies of any musical or cultural development that affected nineteenth-century music and any such developments that nineteenth-century music subsequently affected. The topics are as diverse as the long century itself. They include music of any type or origin and include, but are not limited to, issues of composition, performance, social and cultural context, hermeneutics, aesthetics, music theory, analysis, documentation, gender, sexuality, history, and historiography.
- A thumbnail image of the cover. Specification: 110px W minimum
- Your journal logo (if available). Specification: 222px W x 45px H maximum
- The publisher logo. Specification: 222px W x 45px H maximum
Content Availability
Making the most recent content available as soon as it is published is our priority. Please send new issues of your journal as soon as they become available:
- Upload the complete PDF version (cover to cover) using our secure Dropbox link.
Please follow the RILM PDF Quality Control Standards. - If available, mail a print copy to:
RILM International Center
Attn: Full-Text Journals
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3108
New York, NY 10016-4309
Keeping RILM Up to Date
Please inform us of any changes in the publication data (journal title, frequency, ISSN, contact information, open access content, etc.) by sending an email to
Access for Publishers and Editors
RAFT can be accessed at using login information that RILM provides by email. To obtain this information again, please send an email to
Royalty payments are issued within ninety (90) days following the close of each reporting period (1 January to 30 June, and 1 July to 31 December). Royalties are calculated based on the content of RAFT at the end of each reporting period. Please address royalty issues to
Usage Reports
For questions about usage reports, please send an email to
Promotion and Marketing
The more people and institutions know about RAFT, the more exposure your journal will receive and trials and subscriptions we can expect. Therefore, please include the information about your journal’s availability through RAFT on your website and in other promotional materials. Feel free to use the following sentences:
[Name of journal] is abstracted and indexed in RILM Abstracts of Music Literature. Its full-text content is available electronically through RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text.