This chart is arranged by country. Please click on the first letter of a country’s name.
Argentina |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Australia |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Australian journal of music therapy |
12803 |
S |
AU |
Musicology Australia |
3296 |
S |
45:1. 2 |
7, 12 |
AU |
OHTA news |
3296 |
48:2, 3 |
5, 9 |
AU |
Organ Australia |
13072 |
S |
AU |
Quadrant |
14141 |
S |
AU |
Austria |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
IGEB Mitteilungsblatt |
2325 |
S |
AT |
Jazz research news |
4849 |
S |
59 |
AT |
Mozartwoche Magazin |
7728 |
AT |
Pannonische Forschungsstelle Oberschützen: Arbeitsberichte–Mitteilungen |
4847 |
S |
AT |
Belgium |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Music theory and analysis |
16551 |
S |
BE |
Orgelkunst |
3885 |
S |
46:2, 4 |
181, 183 |
6, 12 |
BE |
Revue belge de musicologie/Belgisch tijdschrift voor muziekwetenschap |
5722 |
S |
Vol. 77 |
BE |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Brazil |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Bulgaria |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Canada |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Circuit: Musiques contemporaines |
5932 |
S |
CA |
Mixtures: Bulletin de liaison de la Fédération Québécoise des Amis de l’Orgue |
4702 |
S |
No. 57, 58 |
5, 11 |
CA |
Mosaic: A journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature |
6027 |
S |
CA |
Musicworks: Explorations in sound |
5279 |
S |
No. 144, 145, 146, 147 |
CA |
Newfoundland quarterly: A cultural journal of Newfoundland and Labrador |
15396 |
S |
CA |
Organ Canada/Orgue Canada |
15354 |
S |
CA |
Chile |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Revista musical chilena |
5923 |
S |
CL |
China |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Geju/Opera |
12625 |
S |
CN |
Huangzhong: Zhongguo Wuhan Yinyue Xueyuan xuebao/Huangzhong: Journal of Wuhan Conservatory of Music, China |
2799 |
S |
2 |
146 |
CN |
Qilu yiyuan: Shandong Yishu Xueyuan xuebao/Qilu realm of arts |
483 |
S |
CN |
Yinyue tansuo: Sichuan Yinyue Xueyuan xuebao/Explorations in music: Journal of Sichuan Conservatory of Music |
480 |
S |
CN |
Yinyue yishu: Shanghai Yinyue Xueyuan xuebao/Art of music: Journal of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music |
2845 |
S |
1, 2, 3, 4 |
172, 173, 174, 175 |
CN |
Croatia |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Cantus: Novine Hrvatskog Drustva Skladatelja |
12647 |
S |
HR |
Hrvatski filmski ljetopis |
48657 |
S |
HR |
International review of the aesthetics and sociology of music |
4875 |
S |
HR |
Narodna umjetnost: Hrvatski časopis za etnologiju i folkloristiku |
4923 |
S |
HR |
Sveta Cecilija: Casopis za duhovnu glazbu |
4922 |
S |
HR |
Tonovi: Časopis glazbenih i plesnih pedagoga |
6762 |
S |
HR |
Czech Republic |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Czech music quarterly |
12765 |
S |
1, 2, 4 |
CZ |
Hudební věda |
19191 |
60:2, 4 |
CZ |
Martinů revue |
15176 |
S |
CZ |
Musicologica brunensia |
14608 |
S |
CZ |
Národopisná revue |
12865 |
S |
33:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
CZ |
Denmark |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Finland |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Finnish music quarterly |
5695 |
S |
FI |
Musiikkikasvatus/The Finnish journal of music education |
12106 |
S |
26:2 |
FI |
France |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
L’avant-scène opéra |
4281 |
S |
333, 334 |
FR |
Cité musiques: Journal de la Cité de la Musique |
4494 |
S |
FR |
Études grégoriennes |
4065 |
S |
Vol. 50 |
FR |
Larigot: Bulletin de l’Association des Collectionneurs d’Instruments à Vent |
4228 |
S |
No. 71, 72, Special (31) |
6, 12 |
FR |
Médecine des arts |
427 |
S |
95 |
FR |
Musicorum |
12955 |
S |
FR |
La revue française de musicothérapie |
15237 |
S |
FR |
Germany |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Acta organologica |
5211 |
S |
DE |
Archiv für Musikwissenschaft |
5824 |
S |
DE |
Ars organi: Internationale Zeitschrift für das Orgelwesen |
438 |
S |
71:1, 3, 4 |
3, 9, 12 |
DE |
Beiträge zur Gregorianik |
12896 |
S |
Vol. 75, 76 |
DE |
Concerto: Das Magazin für Alte Musik |
4537 |
S |
No. 303, 304, 305, 306 |
DE |
Correspondenz: Mitteilungen der Robert-Schumann-Gesellschaft e.V. Düsseldorf |
5599 |
S |
45 |
DE |
Forum Musikbibliothek: Beiträge und Informationen aus der musikbibliothekarischen Praxis |
12806 |
S |
44:1, 2, 3 |
DE |
Göttinger Händel-Beiträge |
6161 |
S |
DE |
Hindemith-Forum |
202 |
S |
DE |
Das mechanische Musikinstrument: Journal der Gesellschaft für selbstspielende Musikinstrumentek |
1962 |
S |
Vol. 49 |
No. 147 |
8 |
DE |
Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für mittelrheinische Musikgeschichte |
5025 |
S |
DE |
Mitteilungen: Internationale Max-Reger-Gesellschaft |
30 |
S |
43, 44 |
DE |
Musik in Bayern: Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Bayerische Musikgeschichte e.V. |
13871 |
S |
No. 88 |
DE |
Musik & Ästhetik |
5055 |
S |
No. 105, 106, 107, 108 |
1, 4, 7, 10 |
DE |
Musik & Bildung: Zeitschrift für Musik in den Klassen 5–13 |
13218 |
S |
DE |
Musik und Kirche |
4288 |
S |
93:1, 3, 4 |
1-2, 5-6, 7-8 |
DE |
Die Musikforschung |
4291 |
S |
76:1, 2, 3, 4 |
DE |
Musikforum: Musikleben im Diskurs |
15882 |
S |
DE |
Musik-Konzepte |
5889 |
S |
199, 200-201, Sonderband |
DE |
Musiktheorie: Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft |
12417 |
S |
38:1 |
DE |
Musiktherapeutische Umschau: Forschung und Praxis der Musiktherapie |
6162 |
S |
DE |
Neue Zeitschrift für Musik |
13737 |
S |
DE |
Opernwelt |
7401 |
S |
DE |
Das Orchester: Magazin für Musiker und Management |
13257 |
S |
DE |
Organ: Journal für die Orgel |
17783 |
S |
DE |
The organ yearbook |
12326 |
S |
DE |
Positionen: Texte zur aktuellen Musik |
14132 |
S |
134, 135, 136, 137 |
DE |
‘rohrblatt: Die Zeitschrift für Oboe, Klarinette, Fagott und Saxophon |
13691 |
S |
38:2 |
6 |
DE |
Schott aktuell |
5664 |
S |
DE |
Tibia: Magazin für Holzbläser |
5248 |
S |
DE |
Üben und Musizieren |
12957 |
S |
DE |
Virtuos: Das Magazin der GEMA |
13624 |
S |
3 |
DE |
Wagnespectrum |
13689 |
S |
DE |
Waldkircher Orgel-Zeitung |
12003 |
DE |
The world of music |
15827 |
S |
DE |
Zither |
16120 |
S |
DE |
Hungary |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Bulletin of the International Kodály Society |
3368 |
S |
HU |
Magyar zene: Zenetudományi folyóirat |
5113 |
S |
4 |
HU |
India |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Shanmukha: A cultural journal |
3827 |
S |
IN |
Sruti: India’s premier magazine for the performing arts |
12746 |
S |
IN |
Ireland |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
An Leabharlann: The Irish library |
9506 |
IE |
Italy |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Ad Parnassum: A journal of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century instrumental music |
6149 |
S |
IT |
Il Fronimo: Rivista di chitarra |
6246 |
S |
No. 201, 202-203, 204 |
1, 4-7, 10 |
IT |
Imago musicae: International yearbook of musical iconography |
51403 |
S |
IT |
Informazione organistica |
4081 |
S |
IT |
Liuteria musica e cultura |
6269 |
S |
1 |
IT |
Rivista italiana di musicologia |
5410 |
S |
IT |
Studi vivaldiani |
5011 |
S |
IT |
Korea |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Asian musicology |
338 |
S |
KR |
Lithuania |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Macedonia |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Mexico | ||||||
Title |
Subscribe (S)Online (O) |
Vol/No |
Issue |
MonthSeason |
CountryCode |
Heterofonía: Revista de investigación musical |
4478 |
S |
MX |
Ideas sónicas: Publicación bilingue del Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonores/Sonic ideas: Bilingual publication of the Mexican Centre for Music and Sonic Arts |
17250 |
S |
MX |
Netherlands |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Clavichord international |
6399 |
S |
NL |
De fagot: Tijdschrift voor fagottisten |
16263 |
S |
NL |
Dutch journal of music theory/Tijdschrift voor muziektheorie |
11317 |
S |
NL |
Fluit |
135 |
S |
1, 3, 4 |
NL |
Het orgel |
14858 |
S |
NL |
Muziek & liturgie: Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging van Organisten en Kerkmusici |
15005 |
S |
NL |
NotaBene: Actualiteitenblad voor orgelkunst & kerkmuziek |
15006 |
S |
NL |
Tijdschrift oude muziek |
13418 |
S |
38:2, 3, 4 |
NL |
Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis |
2209 |
S |
Vol. 73 |
NL |
New Zealand |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Crescendo: Bulletin of the International Association of Music Libraries |
12897 |
S |
NZ |
Norway |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Nordisk østforum |
15564 |
S |
NO |
Portugal |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Poland |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Liturgia sacra |
15533 |
S |
29 |
1:61 – 2:62 |
PL |
Muzyka: Kwartalnik poświęcony historii i teorii muzyki |
5527 |
S |
68:4 |
271 |
PL |
Romania |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Revista de etnografie şi folclor/Journal of ethnography and folklore |
13252 |
S |
Vol. 1-2 |
RO |
Studia universitatis Babeş-Bolyai: Musica |
13659 |
S |
RO |
Russian Federation |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Problemy muzykal’noj nauki: Rossijskij naučnyj specializirovannyj žurnal/Music scholarship: Russian journal of academic studies |
12303 |
S |
RU |
Slovakia |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Musicologica slovaca: Časopis Ústavu hudobnej vedy Slovenskej akadémie vied |
15134 |
S |
SK |
Slovenia |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Cerkveni glasbenik |
4613 |
S |
SI |
Glasba v šoli in vrtcu |
14917 |
S |
SI |
Muzikološki zbornik/Musicological annual |
5964 |
S |
SI |
South Africa |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Muziki: Journal of music research in Africa |
13251 |
S |
ZA |
Spain |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Comunicar: Revista cientifica iberoamericana de communicación y educación |
15287 |
ES |
Revista de musicología |
5716 |
S |
46:2 |
7-12 |
ES |
Sweden |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Nutida musik |
8239 |
S |
SE |
Switzerland |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Acta musicologica |
4298 |
S |
95:1 |
CH |
Dissonance: Schweizer Musikzeitschrift für Forschung und Kreation |
14658 |
S |
CH |
Mitteilungen der Paul Sacher Stiftung |
5489 |
S |
CH |
Musik & Liturgie |
6741 |
S |
148:3, 6 |
CH |
Revue musicale de Suisse Romande |
5578 |
S |
76:1, 2, 3, 4 |
3, 6, 9, 12 |
CH |
La tribune de l’orgue |
1939 |
S |
75:2, 3, 4 |
6, 12 |
CH |
Taiwan |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Minsu quyi/Journal of Chinese ritual, theatre and folklore |
6930 |
S |
112 |
219, 220, 221, 222 |
3, 6, 12 |
TW |
Thailand |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Phlēng dontrī/Music journal |
15907 |
S |
TH |
United Kingdom |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Arietta: Journal of the Beethoven Piano Society of Europe |
64 |
S |
GB |
British journal of music education |
4410 |
S |
40:1, 2, 3 |
3, 7, 11 |
GB |
British music: The journal of the British Music Society |
196 |
S |
45 |
GB |
British Music Society news |
217 |
S |
GB |
Cambridge opera journal |
4409 |
S |
GB |
Clarinet & saxophone |
510 |
S |
GB |
Concertina world |
13916 |
S |
GB |
The consort: The journal of the Dolmetsch Foundation |
362 |
S |
Vol. 79 |
GB |
Choreographic practices |
15128 |
S |
GB |
Contemporary music review |
14827 |
S |
42:1, 2, 3, 4 |
2, 4, 6, 8 |
GB |
Dance research: The journal of the Society for Dance Research |
14852 |
S |
41:1, 2 |
Su, W |
GB |
Dolmetsch Foundation bulletin |
13037 |
S |
No. 43, 44 |
Sp, F |
GB |
Early music |
5465 |
S |
GB |
Early music history |
4411 |
S |
GB |
Early music review |
2824 |
S |
GB |
Eighteenth-century music |
6866 |
S |
20:2 |
9 |
GB |
English dance and song |
4664 |
S |
85:2, 3 86:1 |
8,12 : 4 |
GB |
Ethnomusicology forum |
7844 |
S |
32:1,2,3 |
4, 8, 12 |
GB |
Flute: The journal of the British Flute Society |
14571 |
S |
GB |
Folk music journal: The journal of the Ralph Vaughan Williams Memorial Library |
12139 |
S |
GB |
fRoots |
263 |
S |
GB |
Harpsichord and fortepiano |
15177 |
S |
GB |
IASA journal |
2902 |
S |
GB |
International journal of community music |
13704 |
S |
GB |
International journal of music education |
14356 |
S |
GB |
International journal of performance arts & digital media |
14032 |
S |
GB |
Jazz perspectives |
12804 |
S |
GB |
Jazz research journal |
13017 |
S |
GB |
Journal of applied arts & health |
14668 |
S |
GB |
Journal of mathematics and music |
12320 |
S |
17:1, 2, 3 |
3, 7, 11 |
GB |
Journal of music, technology and education |
13998 |
S |
GB |
Journal of new music research |
12013 |
S |
52: 1 |
1 |
GB |
Journal of world popular music |
16437 |
S |
10:1, 2 |
6, 12 |
GB |
Lute news |
876 |
S |
GB |
Music analysis |
4331 |
S |
GB |
Music & letters |
5464 |
S |
GB |
The music box: An international journal of mechanical music |
12929 |
S |
31:1, 2 |
Sp, Su |
GB |
Music education research |
12005 |
S |
25:1, 3, 4, 5 |
3, 9, 12 |
GB |
Music mark magazine |
16170 |
S |
GB |
Music, sound, and the moving image |
13497 |
S |
GB |
Musica antiqua: Quarterly early music magazine |
10754 |
S |
GB |
Musicæ scientiæ: The journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music |
14911 |
S |
27:1, 2, 3, 4 |
3, 6, 9, 12 |
GB |
The new soundtrack |
15193 |
S |
GB |
Nineteenth-century music review |
15057 |
S |
20:1, 2 |
4, 8 |
GB |
Nordic journal of music therapy |
13698 |
S |
GB |
Opera |
5428 |
S |
74:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9,10,11,12 |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9,10,11,12 |
GB |
The organ |
12078 |
S |
Vol. 101, 102 |
No. 402, 403 |
11/22-1/23, 2-4 |
GB |
Organ building: Journal of the Institute of British Organ Building |
6326 |
S |
GB |
Organised sound: An international journal of music technology |
4406 |
S |
28:1, 2, 3 |
4, 8, 12 |
GB |
Pan: The journal of the British Flute Society |
15921 |
S |
42:1, 2, 3 |
3, 7, 11 |
GB |
Perfect beat: The Pacific journal of research into contemporary music and popular culture |
13644 |
S |
GB |
Performing ethos: An international journal of ethics in theater and performance |
15007 |
S |
GB |
Performance research |
1238 |
S |
GB |
Performing Islam |
15831 |
S |
GB |
Plainsong and medieval music |
4405 |
S |
32:1 |
4 |
GB |
Popular music |
4415 |
S |
42:1, 2, 3 |
2, 5, 10 |
GB |
Popular music and society |
11391 |
S |
46:2, 3, 5 |
5, 7, 12 |
GB |
Psychology of music |
5754 |
S |
GB |
Punk & post-punk |
15639 |
S |
GB |
Radio journal: International studies in broadcast & audio media |
15334 |
S |
GB |
The recorder magazine |
1223 |
S |
43:2, 4 |
Su, W |
GB |
RCO journal |
12952 |
S |
GB |
The Schubertian |
261 |
S |
No. 117, 118, 119, 120 |
1, 4, 7, 10 |
GB |
The Soundtrack |
14031 |
S |
GB |
South Asian popular culture |
13274 |
S |
21:1, 2, 3 |
4, 7, 10 |
GB |
Studies in musical theatre |
13999 |
S |
GB |
Studies in theatre and performance |
14129 |
S |
GB |
Tempo: A quarterly review of modern music |
13054 |
S |
77 |
304, 306 |
10 |
GB |
Three oranges |
6862 |
S |
GB |
The Wagner journal |
15399 |
S |
17:1 |
GB |
Wagner news |
3011 |
S |
GB |
Yearbook for traditional music |
19535 |
S |
55:1, 2 |
GB |
United States |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
Vol/No |
Issue |
Acoustic guitar |
5836 |
S |
33:4, 34:1, 2, 3 |
338, 341, 342, 343 |
1-2, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 |
US |
Acoustics today |
16179 |
S |
US |
The American Brahms Society newsletter |
6100 |
S |
US |
American music review |
13612 |
S |
US |
The American harp journal |
4148 |
S |
US |
The American organist |
4147 |
S |
57:6, 7, 9, 12 |
6, 7, 9, 12 |
US |
American recorder |
13523 |
S |
64:2 |
Su |
US |
American Suzuki journal |
5847 |
S |
51:3, 4 |
US |
AMS newsletter |
429 |
S |
US |
ARSC journal |
13757 |
S |
US |
ARSC newsletter |
6927 |
S |
No. 161, 162, 163 |
Sp, Su, F-W |
US |
Assessment for effective intervention |
14573 |
S |
US |
BACH: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute |
5587 |
S |
US |
Bass world: The magazine of the International Society of Bassists |
11347 |
S |
US |
The Beethoven journal |
5628 |
S |
US |
Buildings & landscapes: Journal of the vernacular architecture forum |
16618 |
S |
US |
Chamber music magazine |
4482 |
S |
US |
Choral journal |
7960 |
S |
US |
The clarinet |
4963 |
S |
US |
Computer music journal |
5238 |
S |
47:1, 3 |
Sp, F |
US |
Contributions to music education |
5400 |
S |
US |
Current musicology |
4524 |
S |
US |
Current directions in psychological science |
14313 |
S |
US |
Dance chronicle: Studies in dance and the related arts |
4582 |
S |
US |
Dance research journal |
14851 |
S |
US |
The Delian: The newsletter of the Delius Society, Philadelphia Branch |
6557 |
S |
US |
The diapason |
13785 |
S |
114:1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 |
1357, 1359, 1360, 1363, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369 |
1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12 |
US |
DownBeat |
5171 |
S |
90:1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 |
1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 |
US |
EMAg: The magazine of Early Music America |
19503 |
S |
US |
Empirical studies of the arts |
4305 |
S |
US |
Ethnomusicology: Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology |
13371 |
S |
US |
Fiddler magazine |
514 |
S |
29:4 |
W |
US |
Folklife Center news |
5138 |
S |
US |
Fontes artis musicae |
13389 |
S |
70:1, 2 |
1-3, 4-6 |
US |
Goldenseal |
4584 |
S |
49:1, 2, 4 |
Sp, Su, W |
US |
The harmonizer: Official publication of the Barbershop Harmony Society |
5791 |
S |
US |
The horn call: Journal of the International Horn Society |
3286 |
S |
53:2 |
2 |
US |
The hymn: A journal of congregational song |
4885 |
S |
US |
The IAJRC journal |
2184 |
S |
US |
Indiana theory review |
4907 |
S |
US |
International Jazz Archives journal |
2626 |
S |
US |
International Musician |
16047 |
S |
US |
International Trumpet Guild journal |
5020 |
S |
47:2, 4, 48:1 |
1, 6, 10 |
US |
JazzTimes |
5020 |
S |
US |
Jazz education guide (JazzTimes) |
286 |
S |
US |
The journal of aesthetic education |
6014 |
S |
US |
Journal of archival organization |
92 |
S |
US |
Journal of band research |
5905 |
S |
58:2 |
Sp |
US |
Journal of music theory |
13488 |
S |
67:2 |
10 |
US |
Journal of music therapy |
2514 |
S |
42: 1, 2, 3, 4 |
US |
Journal of musicological research |
7914 |
S |
US |
Journal of musicology |
5989 |
S |
40:1, 3, 4 |
W, Su, 4 |
US |
Journal of research in music education |
14762 |
S |
70:4, 71:1, 2 |
1, 4, 7 |
US |
Journal of Schenkerian studies |
12217 |
S |
US |
Journal of singing: The official journal of the National Association of Teachers of Singing |
5322 |
S |
US |
Journal of technology in music learning |
6468 |
S |
US |
The journal of Texas music history |
6412 |
S |
Vo. 23 |
US |
Journal of the American Musicological Society |
7826 |
S |
76:1, 2, 3 |
Sp, Su, F |
US |
Journal of the Association for Music and Imagery |
12789 |
S |
US |
Kodály envoy |
6325 |
S |
US |
Kurt Weill newsletter |
5092 |
S |
41:1 |
Sp |
US |
Listen: Life with classical music |
14603 |
S |
US |
Lituanus: The Lithuanian quarterly |
5147 |
S |
69:4 |
US |
Living blues: The magazine of the African-American blues tradition |
6041 |
S |
54:1, 2, 4, 5, 6 |
282, 283, 285, 286, 287 |
1, 3, 7, 9, 11 |
US |
Lute Society of America quarterly |
5160 |
S |
US |
Medical problems of performing artists |
13369 |
S |
US |
Music & literature |
16639 |
S |
US |
Music and medicine: An interdisciplinary journal |
13865 |
S |
US |
Music educators journal |
14259 |
S |
109:3, 110:2 |
3, 12 |
US |
Music perception: An interdisciplinary journal |
5988 |
S |
40:4, 41:1, 2 |
4, 9, 12 |
US |
Music reference services quarterly |
13858 |
S |
26:1, 2, 3-4 |
1-3, 4-6, 7-12 |
US |
Music theory spectrum |
5987 |
S |
US |
Music therapy perspectives |
2522 |
S |
US |
The musical quarterly |
13792 |
S |
US |
NACWPI journal |
5697 |
S |
US |
NAME: The magazine of the National Association of Music Educators |
15364 |
S |
US |
National Music Museum newsletter |
60 |
S |
47:3 |
Su |
US |
Naturlaut: The journal of The Mahler Society of Chicago |
15147 |
S |
US |
New music connoisseur |
14359 |
S |
US |
Newsletter of the Mozart Society of America |
6049 |
S |
US |
19th-century music |
5980 |
S |
46:3, 47:1, 2 |
Sp, Su, F |
US |
Notes: Quarterly journal of the Music Library Association |
14584 |
S |
79:4 |
6 |
US |
The old-time herald: A magazine dedicated to old-time music |
16042 |
S |
15:4 |
3 |
US |
Opera news |
5216 |
S |
US |
The opera quarterly |
12272 |
S |
US |
The Orff echo |
12385 |
S |
US |
The passing show: Newsletter of the Shubert Archive |
2443 |
S |
US |
Philosophy of music education review |
14855 |
S |
US |
Physics today |
2434 |
US |
Psychological science: Research, theory & application in psychology and related sciences |
14182 |
S |
US |
Sacred music |
4493 |
S |
US |
Signal to noise |
771 |
S |
US |
Sing out! Folk music–Folk songs |
87 |
S |
US |
Sonus: A journal of investigations into global musical possibilities |
5509 |
S |
US |
Strings |
5837 |
S |
37:1 |
310 |
1-2 |
US |
Teaching music |
5277 |
S |
US |
Theatre organ: Journal of the American Theatre Organ Society |
14938 |
S |
65:1, 2, 4, 5, 6 |
1-2, 3-4, 7-8, 9-10 |
US |
21st-century music |
4061 |
S |
US |
Wax poetics |
13018 |
S |
US |
Uruguay |
Title |
Subscribe (S)
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Issue |