Beatriz Goubert
Editor and Product Development Coordinator
RILM International Center
365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3108
New York, NY 10016-4309
phone: 1 212 817 8601
email: bgoubert@rilm.org
As Editor at RILM in charge of Latin America and the Caribbean, Beatriz Goubert oversees music literature of the region for RILM Abstracts. As a Product Development Coordinator, Dr. Goubert spearheads one of RILM’s new resources.
Goubert holds a PhD from Columbia University in ethnomusicology, with a dissertation that examines the revitalization of linguistic and musical practices of the Muisca indigenous community in Colombia. She focuses on how language and music reclamation provides an aural identity formation that challenges the official indigeneity parameters while contributing to guarantee conditions for cultural survival. Before this, she researched traditional and popular musics in Latin America for more than a decade, with particular attention to ethnography and cultural politics.
Dr. Goubert also works on collaborative digital humanities projects that use minimal computing principles–a simple design that balances the users’ needs and resources. She is currently working on a collaborative digital archive with the Musica community of Suba on the Muisca publications printed in the last decade, a bibliographic map, and an album with the sounds of the territory, the language, and of local instruments. Besides, Dr. Goubert is the 2019–2021 General Secretary of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM).