Jadranka Važanová
Supervising Editor, Product Development Coordinator (RAFT)
RILM International Center
365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3108
New York, NY 10016-4309
phone: 1 212 817 1994
email: jvazanova@rilm.org
As Senior Editor, Jadranka Važanová is responsible for acquiring, translating, and editing materials in Slavic languages (Slovak, Czech, Polish, Russian). She also oversees the editorial work, providing feedback and implementing editorial changes in the editing manual. As Product Coordinator Jadranka oversees the processing of full-text materials in RILM Abstracts.
Jadranka Važanová (b. Horáková) received a PhD in ethnomusicology at the City University of New York with the dissertation entitled “Svadobné nôty: Ceremonial wedding tunes in the context of Slovak traditional culture” (2008). She holds a MA in musicology and aesthetics from the Univerzita Komenského in Bratislava. Jadranka taught ethnomusicology at the Univerzita Komenského in Bratislava and at Hunter College, and has given lectures on Slovak traditional music in Zagreb, Vienna, and Berlin. Jadranka’s research interests include music of ethnic groups and minorities, ceremonial genres of traditional songs of Slavic people, and the transformation processes in traditional musical cultures of Central and Eastern Europe. She conducted ethnomusicological fieldwork in Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, and New York. Jadranka’s writings have been published in international journals (World of Music, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Narodna umjetnost, and Studia musicologica slovaca et europaea, among others), and collections of essays and conference proceedings (Echo der Vielfalt/Echoes of Diversity, ed. Ursula Hemetek, Wien, 1996; Musik im Umbruch/New Countries, Old Sounds?, ed. Bruno Reuer, Berlin, 1999; Glasba in Manjšine/Music and Minorities, ed. Svanibor Pettan, Adelaida Reyes, Maša Komavec, Ljubljana, 2001; among others).